门禁及安防系统是用来保护人员和财产安全的 |
添加时间:2024/1/5 16:45:31 浏览次数: |
门禁及安防系统是用来保护人员和财产安全的,因此系统自身必须安全。这里所说的高安全性,一方面是指产品或系统的自然属性或准自然属性,应该保证设备、系统运行的安全和操作者的安全,例如:设备和系统本身要能防高温、低温、温热、烟雾、霉菌、雨淋,并能防辐射、防电磁干扰(电磁兼容性)、防冲击、防碰撞、防跌落等,设备和系统的运行安全还包括防火、防雷击、防爆、防触电等;另一方面,门禁及安防系统还应具有防人为破坏的功能,如:具有防破坏的保护壳体,以及具有防拆报警、防短路和开路等。 The access control and security system is used to protect the safety of personnel and property, therefore the system itself must be secure. The high safety referred to here refers to, on the one hand, the natural or quasi natural properties of the product or system, which should ensure the safety of the equipment and system operation and the safety of the operator. For example, the equipment and system itself should be able to prevent high temperature, low temperature, heat, smoke, mold, rain, radiation, electromagnetic interference (electromagnetic compatibility), impact, collision, and fall. The safety of equipment and system operation also includes fire prevention Lightning protection, explosion-proof, electric shock prevention, etc; On the other hand, the access control and security system should also have functions to prevent human damage, such as having a protective shell that prevents damage, as well as having anti disassembly alarms, anti short circuits, and open circuits. 功能性 Functionality 随着人们对门禁系统各方面要求的不断提高,门禁系统的应用范围越来越广泛。人们对门禁系统的应用已不局限在单一的出入口控制,而且还要求它不仅可应 用于智能大厦或智能社区的门禁控制、考勤管理、安防报警、停车场控制、电梯控制、楼宇自控等,还可与其它系统联动控制等多种控制功能。 With the continuous improvement of people's requirements for access control systems in various aspects, the application scope of access control systems is becoming increasingly widespread. People's application of access control systems is no longer limited to a single entrance and exit control, but also requires that they can be applied not only to access control, attendance management, security alarm, parking lot control, elevator control, building automation, etc. in intelligent buildings or communities, but also to various control functions such as linkage control with other systems. |
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