门禁卡使用 |
添加时间:2022/7/22 15:43:33 浏览次数: |
门禁卡使用 Access card use 1、小区采用的门禁卡具有逐步实现人、车进出小区的身份识别功能; 1. The access card used in the community has the function of gradually realizing the identity identification of people and vehicles entering and leaving the community; 2、进出小区时,需持卡靠近读卡器,经身份识别后,门禁可自动开启; 2. When entering and leaving the community, the card holder should be close to the card reader. After identification, the access control can be opened automatically; 3、门禁卡仅限领用人工作时间内流水槽钢模具 不锈钢铸件 扭王字块模具 井盖钢模具 标志桩模具 调匝式消弧线圈 风冷控制柜 烤漆龙骨使用,实行早领用晚交回制度; 3. The access card is only used within the working hours of the receiver, and the system of early collection and late return is implemented; 4、禁止将本人所使用的门禁卡转借他人使用,以避免造成不必要的安全隐患; 4. It is forbidden to lend the access card used by oneself to others to avoid unnecessary security risks; 5、门禁卡请勿弯折、水浸或接近磁场,因此造成的门禁卡损坏由持卡人自行承担。 5. Do not bend, immerse or approach the magnetic field of the access card. The damage caused by the access card shall be borne by the cardholde |
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