指纹门禁密码应急开门 |
添加时间:2019/11/12 15:14:40 浏览次数: |
指纹门禁密码应急开门:当用户的手指出现异常情况(如手指被划伤),采集器无法采集到正确的指纹特征信息时,或者因电力不足而指纹识别模块无法正常工作时,可用密码来开门。为保证系安全,密码开门只供管理员使用,管理员可以修改密码。 Fingerprint access code emergency door opening: when the user's fingers are abnormal (such as fingers are scratched), the collector cannot collect the correct fingerprint feature information, or the fingerprint identification module cannot work properly due to the lack of power, the password can be used to open the door. To ensure the security of the system, the password is only used by the administrator, who can change the password. |
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