电动门漏电及解决方法 |
添加时间:2018/8/18 16:18:35 浏览次数: |
电动门漏电及解决方法 Leakage of electric door and its solution 随着电动门在我国的社会生活中越来越常见,电动门漏电伤人的事情也是越来越多,特别是近两年,此类报道更是常见于各类新闻报导,按照电动门在我国发展的历程来说,历经数十年的发展,无论是技术还是制造工艺来说,应该是越来越完善才对,究竟是什么原因造成电动门漏电伤人的事故频发?又有什么样的办法来解決电动漏电的故障呢? With the electric door more and more common in our social life, electric door leakage injuries are more and more, especially in the last two years, such reports are more common in all kinds of news reports, according to the development of electric door in China, after decades of development, whether in terms of technology or manufacturing technology, It should be more and more perfect. What is the reason for frequent accidents caused by electric leakage? What are the ways to solve the problem of electric leakage? 首先,我们在选购电动门时,就一定要选择正规厂家生产的电动门产品,从生产工艺和安全配置上,在源头处杜绝漏电事故的发生。 First of all, when we buy electric doors, we must choose the regular manufacturer of electric door products, from the production process and safety configuration, in the source to prevent leakage accidents. 其次,在安装施工时,所有电源线的铺设一定要套合格的线管,很多施工人员为了图简便,直接将线放在水泥里,由于水泥有很强的腐蚀性,电源线很快被席蚀烂掉,电动门漏电就不可避免了,所以,在安装电动门时,一定要规范的布置电源线,很重要! Secondly, in the installation and construction, all the power lines must be laid with qualified pipes, many construction personnel in order to draw simple, directly put the line in cement, because of the cement has a strong corrosiveness, the power line is quickly corroded and rotten, electric door leakage is inevitable, so, in the installation of electric door, must be It is very important to standardize the layout of power lines. 再者,正规厂家生产的电动门,说明书上会有一些相关的技术及安全使用要求,在安装电动门前,一定要仔细阅读,电动伸缩门厂家并严格按照要求安装及使用。 Furthermore, the formal manufacturer of electric doors, the manual will have some related technical and safety requirements, in the installation of electric doors, must be carefully read, electric expansion doors manufacturer and strictly in accordance with the requirements of installation and use. 最后,也是最重要的一点,所有的电动门一定要单独安装漏电保护装置,并且每个月测试两次漏电保护装置是否有效!同时,电动门的电源一定要接上地线! Finally, and most importantly, all electric doors must be equipped with a separate leakage protection device, and twice a month to test the effectiveness of the leakage protection device! At the same time, the power supply of the electric door must be connected to the ground wire. |
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