





The installation of access control system is aimed at preventing loss and crime, so it must have high reliability. A door access system may not have an alarm situation in most of its operation time, so it does not need to alarm. The probability of alarm is usually very small. However, if there is failure of the alarm system within this minimum probability, it often means the disaster. Therefore, in the design, installation and use of the access control system, the reliability design and reliability management must be implemented to ensure the high reliability of the products and systems.

河北立体车库 消防报警器塑料配件 电缆接地箱 电缆保护接地箱 塑料土工格栅 消弧线圈装置

In addition, in the design, equipment selection, commissioning, installation and other links of the system, the relevant national or industrial standards are strictly implemented, as well as the requirements of relevant departments on safety and technology prevention. The products must be certified by many authorities and have many typical users, which are running frequently for many years. Security access control and security system is used to protect the safety of personnel and property, so the system itself must be safe. The high safety mentioned here refers to the natural or quasi natural properties of products or systems, which should ensure the safety of equipment and system operation and the safety of operators.


  1. 手机:13331286767
  2. 电话:0312-5958586
  3. 联系人:贾经理
  4. 邮箱:463030178@qq.com
  5. 地址:河北省保定市莲池区复兴中路康诚锋尚

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