指纹门禁系统的硬件主要由微处理器、指纹识别 模块、液晶显示模块、键盘、实时时钟/日历芯片、电控锁和电源等组成。微处理器作为系统的上位机,控制整个系统。指纹识别模块主要完成指纹特征的采集、比对、存储、删除等功能。液晶显示模块用于显示开门记录、实时时钟和操作提示等信息,和键盘一起组成人机界面。
The hardware of fingerprint access control system is mainly composed of microprocessor, fingerprint identification module, LCD module, keyboard, real-time clock/calendar chip, electronic lock and power supply. Microprocessor as the upper computer of the system controls the whole system. The fingerprint identification module mainly completes the functions of fingerprint feature collection, comparison, storage and deletion. LCD module is used for displaying information such as open door record, real-time clock and operation prompt, and constitutes man-machine interface with keyboard.