





Leakage of electric door and its solution
With the electric door more and more common in our social life, electric door leakage injuries are more and more, especially in the last two years, such reports are more common in all kinds of news reports, according to the development of electric door in China, after decades of development, whether in terms of technology or manufacturing technology, It should be more and more perfect. What is the reason for frequent accidents caused by electric leakage? What are the ways to solve the problem of electric leakage?
First of all, when we buy electric doors, we must choose the regular manufacturer of electric door products, from the production process and safety configuration, in the source to prevent leakage accidents.
Secondly, in the installation and construction, all the power lines must be laid with qualified pipes, many construction personnel in order to draw simple, directly put the line in cement, because of the cement has a strong corrosiveness, the power line is quickly corroded and rotten, electric door leakage is inevitable, so, in the installation of electric door, must be It is very important to standardize the layout of power lines.
Furthermore, the formal manufacturer of electric doors, the manual will have some related technical and safety requirements, in the installation of electric doors, must be carefully read, electric expansion doors manufacturer and strictly in accordance with the requirements of installation and use.
Finally, and most importantly, all electric doors must be equipped with a separate leakage protection device, and twice a month to test the effectiveness of the leakage protection device! At the same time, the power supply of the electric door must be connected to the ground wire.


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